
Robson Laidler Leadership And Management Development Programme Case Studies

Written by PDW | Mar 15, 2024 2:31:48 PM

Robson Laidler’s mission is to help improve the lives of their clients, their people and their communities.

They believe that if they can help S.M.E business owners build great businesses then it will allow them to create and live a better life; one with balance and one that meets their wants and needs.


Robson Laidler are a leading accountancy firm in Newcastle – upon- Tyne. They approached PDW Group to develop the leadership ability within the senior teams in the firm to improve overall performance and employee engagement.

“Always upbeat, engaging and energetic. Gave insight into not only other’s but also myself. Good techniques which can be used on a daily basis. It’s made me think about how I interact with people in daily life.”

Andrew Beer – Manager at Robson Laidler


Robson Laidler like many UK business with high growth aspirations, recognised that the behaviour and skill of its senior leaders was critical to business performance, and ultimately the bottom line.

Furthermore, the firm was at the beginning of a new chapter in its business journey, with the recent values, aspirations and goals outlined at an away day for all directors and employees, which marked the dawn of the transition that the firm was looking to make.

They recognised that there would be both exciting and challenging times ahead, and the resilience and behavioural capability of the directors and managers would be tested in many ways.

It is for this reason that PDW were identified and proposed to significantly improve the behavioural competence and confidence of the senior team by the provision of our unique workshop solution around ‘all things leadership and management’.


We delivered several leadership workshops using a principle & approach to Robson Laidler that we know works and whilst it is not a ‘magic wand’, ensures our clients enjoy significantly greater success than the 15% figure quoted by the industry. 

In our experience working with many professional services firms, we know many areas fall under the banner of influence. Whether that is influencing a peer to buy into a new project, influencing a client to agree to a proposal or influencing a team member to improve their performance through having that all important courageous conversation.

Our unique approach provides a truly personal experience, focusing on ‘doing & practise’. In essence it allows delegates to bring what is ‘real life’ for each of them into the training room and plan, practise and then reflect on & review their performance around scenarios that are typical or important for them, all in a safe environment.

Our approach provides powerful, bite sized principles and inputs which the delegates can then add in to each scenario as part of their solution to improve their competence and confidence.

“I genuinely think it was massively beneficial and that everyone got something out of the 2 days”

Graham Purvis – Managing Partner


  • A clear, visible strategy that the whole firm has signed up to delivering increased profit within the first quarter 2017
  • Common leadership language now used throughout the firm to improve performance and productivity
  • Clarity on KPI’s and behaviours in a understandable & simple framework – ‘the way things should be done around here’
  • Cultural change being led by the managing board, modelling great leadership behaviours
  • Motivated managers and succession pipeline now making proactive suggestion and buying into the growth strategy