
How To Tell If Someone Is A Good Or Bad Leader With These Traits

Written by | Jun 13, 2023 10:00:48 AM

What images do the words “bad leader” conjure up for you? A boss who is always late? A boss who screams and slams their fist on the desk? A boss who couldn’t care less?

Ready to Begin with Behavioural Profiling?

Well, all of these things do indeed indicate a bad leader. But before you find the most cartoonish examples of poor leadership, keep your eyes peeled for far more common, and much easier to dismiss, signs of a bad leader…

7 Characteristics Of A Bad Leader In The Workplace

Great leadership involves setting good examples for others, so a leader showing any of the following is usually bad news:

1. Lack Of Integrity

A good leader must have a strong moral compass and positive values and ethics, that they stick to at all times.

2. Lack Of Emotional Intelligence

High emotional intelligence is a very important trait in a leader, and not everything comes down to the task at hand. An effective leader can understand this and knows when to apply nuanced thinking to a situation. Leaders that cannot connect with their people will lose out in the long run.

3. Lack Of Self-Awareness

‘Know thyself’ is a phrase we hear a lot in the Leadership field, and for good reason. Effective leaders know their strengths and their weaknesses. They are also aware of their own tendencies, whether positive or negative, and overall a good leader knows how to make the best of what they have, whilst also trying to improve.

4. Unwilling To Adapt

A good leader adapts, and expects others to adapt, so that everyone works in harmony. It is more effective to strike a balance that keeps everyone content, rather than the leader calling all the shots to make themselves happy, while all of their team members are miserable. Leaders should learn the personalities and behavioural styles of their employees and try to work with them, before trying to change them.

5. No Long-Term Focus

Many leaders only focus on what is happening today, and what they want to happen tomorrow, with no thought to what they want to be happening three months from now let alone in 1-5 years’ time!  With no vision for the future and no long-term goals, employees will lack inspiration and lose motivation, which will almost certainly impact their overall engagement with their organisation and their role

6. Mediocre Standards

An effective leader should aim for the highest standards, which is vital if you want passionate employees who will set their own personal bars high and take pride in good standards of work and not cut corners.

7. Lack Of Conversational Bravery

Effective leaders have the courage to start ‘difficult’ conversations, keeping the future end goal in mind. They don’t shy away from corrective feedback and discussions around career progression, because they know that these conversations are for the best in the long term.

A lack of competence and confidence in this area is ‘rife’ amongst modern managers and leaders, and this has all manner of personal and organisational impacts which can be very much avoided.

Get In Touch With PDW, The Leadership Training Experts

The most effective leaders can surprise you – not every leader has to be openly confident. What matters the most is how a leader treats the people he or she is leading.

If you’d like to upskill yourself and your people and develop your leadership skills for 2023, look no further than PDW Group. We provide truly unique leadership development training for entire teams and can help lead you onto the path to becoming a much sharper and more effective leader. 

Contact us today and we’ll discuss exactly what your goals are and how we can help you achieve them.

Image Source: Pexels