Employees inspired by the power Of coaching as a way of life.

The Power Of Coaching As A Way Of Life

6th June 2024

Sometimes, we all need a little extra help, support or guidance in order to reach our full potential. Whether it’s because we’ve hit a professional roadblock, want to enhance a...

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A businessman leading a training session to show that most training doesn't work.

Why Most Training Doesn’t Work

22nd November 2023

A large number of UK businesses and organisations send delegates on training and development programmes every year. While some do this simply as a box ticking exercise, most will...

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Three salespeople looking at ways to build customer advocacy in their business.

Five Ways To Build Customer Advocacy

8th November 2023

Building customer advocacy can go a long way to boosting loyalty, increasing sales and, in turn, enhancing your bottom line. Not only are customer advocates more likely to spend...

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